Off I go to therapy on Tuesday. It goes well. I leave hurting but I'm on my way to recovery. It'll take two months to get my full range of motion back. Okay. Let's do this. I'm willing to put in the effort. I have a job to get back to and it's spring; my garden waits...I'm feeling optimistic on the way home. I can do this...
I notice roadwork ahead and a "Men Working Ahead" sign as I see the two cars ahead of me stop suddenly. I pull to the right shoulder as an evasive move to avoid a collision. I look in my rearview just as the grill of a truck fills my mirror ...BANG! I'm thrown forward against the seatbelt and everything on the front seat falls to the floor. The gentleman and I get out. No one appears hurt. He missed seeing the sign. I have the presence of mind to dial "911" and take photos of the damage to my car as we wait for the police. The police come and I turn down the ambulance. I tell the officer that, ironically enough, I just left physical therapy. I don't know if I'm hurt. He tells us the accident report will be ready for pick up in 7-10 days. This has been a bad spot for accidents. The rear of my vehicle is stoved in and the right light assembly has been sheered off. My rear door does not open but both vehicles are "drivable" so I limp it home.
On the way, the shock begins to wear off. I get home; call my daughter then the insurance company. I begin to shake and realize that it's hard to move my neck and my shoulder hurts...bad. My daughter calls me back and she meets me at the hospital, along with my husband. X-rays are taken. No broken bones. Strained neck. I'm given more meds and sent home. My therapy will be stalled while I get clearance from my doctor.
The car is more badly damaged than we thought. Looks like the frame has been compromised and neither the hatch or rear door will open. My husband tells me and the tears come. I worry that it might be totaled and I'm not ready to part with my car, for reasons beyond financial. I bought this car in 2006 after my son was killed and I was left without him or a car. The insurance paid for my new vehicle. I always found it poignant that my first new vehicle came at the cost of his life. If I lose this car, I feel like I'm losing him. As the years pass my grip on the things that remind me of him seems to be loosening. Again I pray and tell myself that it's only a car. I can do this.
It snowed last night. Again. I look out at my yard blanketed in snow. The wind is howling and my dear husband goes out to clear the walkway and the car. I drop him off at work and go to therapy. This is my first time driving since the accident and I find myself checking my mirrors often. Therapy is grueling and I am brought to tears once or twice, while the therapist stretches my shoulder.. I drive home and I feel discouraged. I try to pray but the words don't seem to come. So many things pressing in on me and I hurt.
As I pull into the driveway I see that the bright sunshine has cleared my driveway of snow. The walk is clear, too. I hear the birds that are visiting my feeders. They're hungry. I wonder how the garden has fared and see the crocus, cheery yellow, shining through the snow. I am awed by the tenacity of these flowers. I wouldn't have been surprised to see them shriveled, done for the season. After all it's snowed, it's cold, and the wind is fierce. Instead, however, here they are, gorgeous and dazzling in their beauty. I realize that there is a lesson here for me. I'm still here. I am beautiful, too. I've weathered storms of my own and the winds of change have blown me down at times. But like these crocus, I'm going to keep going because the end result will be well worth the effort. It makes me a better person. I see the answer to my prayers now. There is hope through adversity. I've made it through this far and it will be these beautiful flowers that inspire me to keep on. Lesson learned. Thank you Father.